The Awesomely Photogenic Comet Neowise ~ 17 Jul 2020

After receiving several questions about Comet Neowise and many requests for data, I figured I’d address this visible comet (in the Northern Hemisphere) because awe-inspiring pictures keep popping up everywhere... such as this amazing comet capture pic by Dennis Taylor of ShutterVita in Cave Creek, Arizona.


Before delving into the current positions and other specific astrological goodies of Comet Neowise (Comet c/2020 f3), comets throughout the ages portended many things... typically not the rosiest of prophecies and very often slanted EOTW. One of the most common themes is that comets announce the rise (or birth) or leaders and forecast the fall of others. Read into that as you will. While this was certainly true with Nixon and the apparition of Comet Kohutek, I do not have a sufficient database to verify an unfailing cometary impact upon global leaders, whether social, scientific, theological or political.

This comet recently, as in on 3 July, reached its closest contact (perihelion) with the Sun. It’s a long-period comet, strolling about the Sun only once every 6,767 years. And it’s extremely eccentric, 0.99921. An object with an eccentricity of 1.0 is no longer in a closed loop solar object but is in a parabolic escape orbit. Should the extreme eccentricity be taken symbolically? Perhaps. Because of its speed at perihelion, the object is hauling through the heavens ticking off zodiacal degrees in quick step. Wednesday night (15 July) when I decided to write this piece it transited 22 Cancer 43. As of 0 hours GMT on 17 July the comet ventures through the last degree of the sign of its perihelion, 29 Cancer 43.

A comet possessing visibility ends up all over cyberspace as well as in the visual cosmic space above seeps into our conscious mind and integrates into our culture. Neowise is awesome and magnificent. As one looks to the pictures, and potentially look to the skies, geography permitting, what might one expect to feel?

The node of Neowise is 1 Gemini 06 (heliocentric). Its perihelion lies at 8 Cancer 46 (also heliocentric). The essence of inspiration blends Gemini and Cancer.

For one thing, the comet’s mission is communication. Gemini in perfect symbolism represents both parts of communication. No, not oral and written. Transmitted communication and received information. Gemini’s communication model requires thinking, articulating, listening, thinking, articulating and listening. When something this cosmically astounding circles around, it’s almost as if the cosmic something asks, “Earthlings, are ya listening?”

On the personal front, there’s a clear reminder that a great communicator knows both the input and output sides of interaction with each side receiving fair measures of attention. Cool. Obviously, a reminder, we might want to apply the best of communications principles with renewed vigor and enhanced attention as we navigate these pandemic days... at least if we want to become “neo-wise.”

The perihelion of Comet Neowise in Cancer is widely conjunct to the fixed, royal star, Sirius (roughly 14 degrees of Cancer). Some might argue out of orb. Because of the impact of a royal star, I’ll contend that the essence of Sirius contributes to the theme of Comet Neowise.

Consider that at perihelion an object, by virtue of the inverse square law, receives the maximum of solar light, energetic intensity and blessing. An object moves fastest at perihelion symbolizing that the essence of the moment is damn urgent. What is that essence?

Sirius, the Dog Star, emphasizes loyalty and faithfulness, but to ones tribe and more important to oneself above and beyond all other considerations. Consider the need with the Cancerian energy to soothe the gut and secure the emotional reaction mechanisms within. The need to clear and otherwise dump from ones innards, all emotions, reactions and memories that contaminate the balance of the soul’s systems is on the table. Purge the psyche to dump negative feelings and clear the way to receive that which can fill the empty space created. When empty or hollow inside, take time to explore the euphoria that accompanies the process of establishing and affirming loyalty to the soul and the commitment to the purpose of this incarnation.

So visit some imagery of Comet Neowise such as Dennis’ work. As you take in images of inspiration, notice how you feel in your core. Emotionally react and amplify the stirring of Comet Neowise’s recent perihelion rendezvous and imagine you’re full of inspiration. Think on that a spell. Then, articulate to those in your tribe... as in those who can appreciate your intentions, causes and efforts. Take in some feedback. Decide what of that input works. Check your revised list for complete accuracy with your original concept. When you know you’re solid and golden, imitate the comet. Haul ass, recalling that Mars is in Aries, after all, so such impetus aligns with the essence of Comet Neowise, the nature of Mars, and the intricacy of all the patterns above.

More soon.